Shooting Rosette Nebula for the first time!

After getting 15 minutes on the Orion Nebula, a patch of clear sky appeared and I was able to slew to the Rosette and get around 30 minutes of exposure on this.

I know I need many more minutes, or hours of data to really get great images, but right now at this stage I’m more concerned with learning the tools, getting the rig working, my polar alignment good. After these foundations are done, great images will follow.

I tried something new in Pixinsight when editing this image, to remove the stars and show off the dust cloud only.ere’s the images with both stars and no stars. Which do you prefer?

The Rosette nebula from 80mm refractor scope at f6 480mm focal length. Processed without stars
The Rosette nebula from 80mm refractor scope at f6 480mm focal length.

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