Waxing Gibbous Moon – April 17th

I captured this image of the moon two days after the first quarter phase. You can see a little more of the moon is now exposed as the shadow of the earth moves away and reveals more of the lunar surface to us.

I have been capturing these images with NINA by simply taking snapshots and stacking them. However, there is a technique for capturing planets and the moon whereby a video stream is taken and then the stacking software pulls the best frames and stacks these. The below is around 50 individual images captured through NINA.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 17th April 2024

This following image however, taken the day after on the 18th April 2024 was 1,000 frames stacked from a video stream I took of the moon through the same scope and camera.

Waxing Gibbous Moon April 18th 2024

The following image was on the 19th April 2024. I have refined my approach to capturing the images, stacking and processing, the final result is improving.

Waxing Gibbous Moon April 19th 2024

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