Editing the Whale Galaxy – Drizzling Images

In this video I show the process I went through to edit a new version of the Whale Galaxy utilizing Drizzling for the first time.

Drizzling of data was a technique developed by Hubble that increases the detail and resolution in the image by expanding the image and interpolating the data to fill in the gaps. it does increase the noise in the image, but this is easily fixed with modern tools like noise Xterminator plugin for pixinisght.

Here’s the finished image, I’m happier with the detail in this image, it’s sharper and better contrast than without drizzling.

Whale galaxy drizzled 2x and edited with pixinsight and photoshop

Here’s also the same drizzled image and data but processed purely in Pixinisight, which looks way better in my opinion!

Whale galaxy drizzled 2x edited in pixinsight

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